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Brighton Golf Club

Brighton Golf Club

Brighton Golf Course, Dendy St Brighton East
Brighton Golf Club

Club contact details

Your primary contact for club information is the Club Secretary.

Club Secretary

Deb Cunningham
03 9592 7806

Club President

Stirling Hookway
03 9592 7806

Club Captain

Shay McQuade
0438 256541



Membership fees

Joining fee:


Senior annual:

$495 (includes $70 house credit)

Junior annual:

$170.00 (U21)

Competition days

Wednesday: Women’s Competition. 9 and 18 holes
Wednesday: All Member’s Competition, 9 and 18 holes
Saturday: All Member’s Competition, 18 holes

Green fees

Payable to Brighton Golf Course
$40.00 18 holes
$28.50 Concession
$32.00 Seniors
Course memerships available (5 day, 7 day, 3 month, annual)